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Having A Threesome With a London Transexual Escort
  • 25 March 2024
  • 15161
The most popular male sexual fantasy is a threesome, this can be two women sharing a man or two men sharing a lucky woman,but have you ever imagined now it can be a woman a man and a Shemale and that is definitely a walk on the wild side! What men do not often realize is that women also have sexual fantasies but they keep them guarded in fear of been embarrassed or thought of as a pervert. To have a happy marriage its essential that there is honesty and freedom to express each others sexual fantasies while at the same time respecting each other's boundaries.
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Visiting Shemale Escorts Is More Fun Than Monogamy
  • 20 April 2021
  • 8577
Monogamy to many men is like a life sentence with no parole in sight. This is how it feels for many men trapped in a boring,loveless marriage. In society its expected than when a couple marries they have children and stay together till death do they part.
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Why Trans Escorts Blacklist Clients
  • 31 March 2021
  • 9402
When dealing with clients it can be very frustrating specially if you are a Ts Escort. To be successful you need to have the patience of a saint as there are some clients that you would love to kill for the stress they cause you. Some clients after meeting their dream hottie wonder why they are blacklisted. Well if you want to know some of the reasons i will list a few below.
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